Journal of Chemical Metrology
Year: 2015 Issue: 1
p.1 - 15
Viewed 3020 times.
Collagen is one of the most represented proteins in human body. Type-I collagen, also known as Peptan ®, belongs to the collagen family. To measure hydrolyzed type-I collagen directly in supplement syrup, a HPLC-SEC-UV technique was applied as an analytical method. The method was validated considering the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines. Calibration curves were linear over the entire range from 200 to 1000 µg/mL and the regression coefficients (r) were above ≥ 0.99. Intra- and inter batch accuracies , determined as a deviation between nominal and measured values, ranged from 0.9 to 2.8% and from 0.5 to 1.7%, respectively. Type-I collagen showed extraction recoveries above 99%. The method was successfully applied to a sample of 25 mL supplement syrup, containing 10000 mg hydrolyzed type-I collagen. A final concentration of (10974.2 ± 172.9) mg in 25 mL was found.
KEYWORDS- Collagen
- Proteins
- Quantitative Analysis
- Method Validation
- Dietary Supplements