Journal of Chemical Metrology
Year: 2021 Issue: 1 January-June
p.76 - 87
Viewed 1882 times.

Triterpenoids are a class of secondary metabolites that are known to exhibit and possess various biological activities. Using plant biotechnological tools, a novel approach for producing these compounds offers opportunities not only to produce such bioactive secondary metabolites but also to increase the quantities of these essential phytochemicals. Therefore, this study was aimed to elucidate the biosynthesis of some cytotoxic triterpenoids through in vitro micropropagation of Pistacia khinjuk Stocks with the application of different NaCl concentrations (0 to 250 mM) and to evaluate the triterpenoids content as well as synchronize the morpho-physiological properties of plant materials during the salt application. The effects of these salt concentrations were investigated on P. khinjuk seedlings grown for four weeks by using the MS medium supplemented with 100 mg/L L-ascorbic acid and NaCl of given concentrations. LC-MS/MS results showed that the amount of all triterpenoid types from different plant parts was increased while root-shoot lengths, RWC, total Chl, Chl-a/b, and carotenoid values were decreased significantly at high salinity concentrations (150 mM). The reduction of the quantitative and qualitative morpho-physiological parameters was due to the production of an increased amount of secondary compounds, i.e., triterpenoids rather than primary compounds in response to the increased salt concentrations.
KEYWORDS- Pistacia khinjuk stocks
- alt stress
- triterpenoid
- in vitro
- plant physiology