Journal of Chemical Metrology
Year: 2019 Issue: 1 January-June
p.7 - 13
Viewed 3151 times.

In this study, Heavy metal deposits (Cu, Fe and Zn) accumulated in muscles over 15 different species were detected by ICP-OES device in a total of 20 fish taken from Sapanca Lake, Sakarya River and Western Black Sea (Karasu). When the results were examined, Cu concentration was determined to be 2.60-5.31 μg/g, Fe concentration was determined to be 10.25-54.36 μg/g and Zinc concentration was determined to be 13.66-47.11 μg/g respectively in fish samples. In addition, the same procedures were applied with the standard reference material DORM-3 reference material (Fish Protein Certified Reference Material for Trace Metals) to determine the accuracy of the method. As a result, it has been determined that the amount of heavy metals contained in the analyzed fish samples is below the limit values provided by the Turkish Food Codex, Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization and therefore consumption of these does not constitute a threat to health.
KEYWORDS- Heavy metals
- fish
- microwave digestion