Journal of Chemical Metrology
Year: 2021 Issue: 1 January-June
p.38 - 51
Viewed 1851 times.

The uncertainty budget for the determination of benzoic acid purity by potentiometric titrimetry was proposed. For this purpose alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution was standardized with benzoic acid supplied from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (SRM 39j), then the purity of the benzoic acid sample was determined by the same way. Measurement uncertainty evaluation of the method was exhaustively evaluated according to the EURACHEM/CITAC Guide CG 4, JCGM 100: 2008 and EUROLAB Technical Report No.1/2007, based on the bottom-up approach. Moreover, these results were compared with the results based on the top-down approach according to the EUROLAB Technical Report No.1/2007 and NORDTEST: NT TR 537. The measurement uncertainty was separately evaluated for the factor determination and the purity determination of one and six samples of benzoic acid for the bottom-up approach. The uncertainty sources for the purity determination of benzoic acid were carbon dioxide mole fraction, nominal concentration of benzoic acid, factor of alcoholic potassium hydroxide, amount of titrant consumption, the molar mass of benzoic acid and sample amount, respectively. Among these, the highest contributions to the uncertainty budget were found to be the factor of alcoholic KOH solution and the amount of titrant consumption for one and six samples, respectively. The expanded uncertainties for one and six measurements based on the bottom-up approach were found as 0.508% and 0.509%, and the expanded uncertainty for six measurements based on the top-down approach was found as 0.114%.
KEYWORDS- Benzoic acid
- traceability
- electrochemistry
- measurement uncertainty
- bottom-up approach
- top-down approach