Magnetic Resonance in Clinical Chemistry and Medicine
A scientific open access journal in the field of clinical chemistry and medicine.Publications Ethics and Animal Studies
Any manuscript submitted, soon to be submitted or in press at any other journal will not be considered by Magnetic Resonance in Clinical Chemistry and Medicine, and it is authors responsibility to inform the Editor of Magnetic Resonance in Clinical Chemistry and Medicine if such event exists. If the submitted manuscript is a revised version of a previously rejected journal, the authors must indicate previous submission in their cover letter and explain the reason/changes that they made in the revised one.
The Ethical Guidelines for Publication in Journals and Reviews issued by the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences are applied by Magnetic Resonance in Clinical Chemistry and Medicine . Authors of all the manuscripts submitted to journal automatically accept the guidelines given in the Ethical Guidelines for Publication and Reviews and the authors have to provide the ethical board approved document informations ( the number and date and ethical board name of ethical approval) in the main text of manuscript and related data should be available in supporting information file of manuscript, if necessary or requested by the editorial office. The following studies strongly need ethical board approval eg. in vivo studies on any animal and human body, studies of endangered species in nature, information about the people including any kind of survey data etc. For detail please see the COPE guidelines.
Authors are encouraged to attach an authenticated report during the submission to make sure that there is no plagiarism problem. Manuscripts submitted to the journal publications are routinely screened by a software to check the originality of the submitted articles. It should be noted that Magnetic Resonance in Clinical Chemistry and Medicine publications are committed to deterring plagiarism and self-plagiarism
ACG Publications journals use iThenticate ® software to check the originality of submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. If a duplication is detected by the editorial office and reviewers, the manuscript will directly be rejected. If the authors use the same sentences of their or another author's previous work with citation without quotation mark, it will still be considered as self-plagiarism and plagiarism,respectively. JMagnetic Resonance in Clinical Chemistry and Medicine has the right of removing any article published in the journal and banning the authors submitting their studies in future if any ethical violation is identified.
To learn the detailed ethical principle for the publication process please visit the COPE guidelines.
Any detected ethical violence by anyone should be reported to, ACG PUBLICATIONS Ethic Committee. Based on the evaluation report of the Ethic Committee of ACG PUBLICATIONS the published paper may be retracted by Publisher as soon as possible. In this case, the information about the retracted paper is published in the next issue of the journal. Notification of invalid results that affect the reliability of a previously published article. The original article is marked as retracted but remains available to readers, and the retraction statement notifying readers of the invalidity of the published paper is bi-directionally linked to the original published paper.
ACG PUBLICATIONS Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research provides very serious control on. It is not sufficient for the authors to simply write date and number of their ethics committee approval in the article. Authors are also responsible for uploading ethics committee approval letters to the PAMS of ACG PUBLICATIONS during the submission.
Even if the authors have the ethics committee approval documents, if at any stage during the presentation of the study it is determined that an activity outside of the ethics committee's permission is performed, the evaluation process of the article is stopped and rejected. The author's institution is informed of this. This is valid even if the article has been published. In this case the article is retracted.
The Ethical Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research document [ISBN: 978-82-7682-085-0 (printed edition) 978-82-7682-086-7 (digital edition, pdf) Copyright © The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committee] taken as a guide document and the article that the authors apply the rules in this document is deemed to have been accepted at the time of submission. This document is available as pdf at Please download and read the details on it. The rukes of COPE also valid on this issue.
If an ethical violation detected in the articles during the evalaution process, APC penalty rules of related journal are applied to the authors.
Please see the general remarks of the review process of ACG PUBLICATIONS on this link.