Records of Natural Products

A scientific open access journal in the field of natural products.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

All articles in Records of Natural Products (ISSN 1307-6167) are published in full open access.� Authors are asked to pay an article processing charge (APC) of per processed paper given below.

Current publication fees for the different kinds of articles are given below 

Current  publication fees for the different kinds of articles are given below.

Article Type

Number of Pages

Publication fee

Review Article


1000 USD

Book Reviews


300 USD

Original Articles


750 USD

Short Reports


700 USD

*% VAT is included,  bank commission should be applied to payments.

**No submission fee applied by ACG Publications journal. APC  is only applicable for the accepted articles.



*% VAT is included,  bank commission should be applied to payments.

**No submission fee applied by ACG Publications journal. APC  is only applicable for the accepted articles.

Withdrawal of a Manuscript : If you intend to withdraw your manuscript after it has been peer reviewed, or after it has been typeset, but not yet published, you will be asked to pay according to the following:

For peer review: 450 USD per article
For Accepted and  typesetting: Editorial service fee of the article type must be paid by the authors. Se above Table.

Considering the primary aim of RNP, waivers are available for the authors who are from the least developed countries.. To apply to those options, the corresponding author and 80 % of the authors of the concerned manuscript must be from those countries and the study must be conducted in the least developed countries. Please visit the page concerning the list of these countries; . If you have any difficulties about this issue please contact the editorial office. APC only available for accepted articles in ACG Journals and no fee required during the submission of manuscript.